If you are still not familiar with the real streetwear, look at the pictures below. Nine bums from Minsk kindly agreed to take part in our photo session and told us about their daily life clothes. The clothes they had found, stolen, won in a fight or purchased somehow. You are not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the clothes you wear... You remember, don’t you?
Author – domasi
Date of original publication – September 19, 2012
Расказваем, як не захварэць на шаленства пасля няўдалага кантакту з жывёламі.
Дзёрзкі, стылёвы, з сівою барадой і ўпэўненым голасам – мы пагутарылі з Кахаберам Цыскарыдзэ, заснавальнікам грузінскага электра-фолку.
A journey from local environmental workshops to art management and working with socially engaged photography in an international gallery.
The conversation about filming in a Belarusian village, the kitchen of ideas and the search for funds.
A story about (or no) cooperation between government representatives, NGOs and ordinary people that care.
Javid Nabiyev speaks on arrests of gay people in Azerbaijan, explains the «fucking solidarity» term and the point of activism.
Joris Hanse, Dutch activist from the Doorbraak, speaks about the Netherlands not matching the stereotypes.
A philosophical audio story about a wolf, people who care for it and people who kill it.